Pest Control Services

Pest Can be a year-round problem that needs preparation depending on where your facility is located. You may have to deal with the problem in both rural and urban areas. You may notice an influx of cockroaches and mosquitos in Summer, rodents and spiders in winter, ants and termites in spring. These pests can do significant damage to your warehouse, storage, home, office and factory, power supply lines that leads to financial damage. It is also the reason for numerous diseases.

Not all pests are controlled the same way. Various methods and technics for specific pests are outlined by the professionals with years of experience. At CSL we apply Integrated Pest Management (IPM) that combines all the prevalent technics. We work with leading pest control experts to offer you excellent, proven solution for all your extermination needs. Pest control service for the control and eradication of all species of insects. Pests such as Black and White cockroaches, rats and mice, termite, bed bugs, mosquitos, flies, ants, furniture and wood border and fabric insects.
